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Ultimo Cigar Rolling Classes

For those seeking to gain in-depth knowledge and master the art of blending and crafting a premium cigar, our one-on-one private master class offers an unparalleled experience. Guided by a Master Cigar Roller, you'll dive into the intricacies of tobacco selection, blending techniques, and rolling precision, gaining expert-level skills to create your own signature cigars. Perfect for enthusiasts who want to take their passion to the next level.

Immerse yourself in the art of cigar making with a hands-on cigar rolling class guided by a Master Cigar Roller. Enjoy a premium hand crafted cigar while you dive deep into the rich traditions and craftsmanship as you explore every aspect of cigars, from seed to smoke. Learn how the finest tobacco is cultivated, harvested, aged, and blended to create the perfect balance of flavor. Under expert guidance, you'll roll your own cigar while discovering the history, techniques, and passion that define premium cigars. Whether you're a novice or an aficionado, this interactive experience offers a unique opportunity to create your own masterpiece and savor the essence of timeless cigar culture.

View and join one of our scheduled classes or book a private group session.

Request information for booking a private group class or a one-on-one master class

Looking for a great gift idea? You can purchase a printable gift certificate, redeemable for any  one cigar rolling class

*Cancellation Policy - A full refund can be issued if notification of cancellation occurs at least 48 hours before class start. You also have the option to apply the reservation toward a later class. The reservation can be held for a later class if notification is given at least 24 hours prior to the current class start. Loss of payment will occur if no notification of either option is given within the required time frames 

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